Mirrors come in all shapes, sizes, and purposes but only one can go home with the distinction of being the most expensive in one the world. When you put a price on a piece of furniture, in this case, an expensive mirror, there are many things that come into play, the design, the craftsmanship, and the materials on which the creation comes to proverbial life, when all of that comes together into a perfect storm of awe you get the most expensive mirror in the world.

The Most Expensive Mirror In the World

The Most Expensive Mirror In the World

The VENICE mirror is a Venetian large wall mirror. A passionate modern and giant mirror for a contemporary interior. Five passionate years of Exclusive Design have resulted in the Venice, Boca do Lobo’s 2011 Limited Edition work of art. Our love affair with reflection dates back to 6000BC, the ability mirrors have to reflect light and the world around us so perfectly remains unrivaled by any other object.

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The Most Expensive Mirror In the World

See Also: Luxury Mirrors For An Imposing And Contemporary Design

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Due to this ability to reflect light and show appearance so precisely and incredibly, mirrors are widely believed to have enchanting powers. A passionate explosion of romance, drama, and emotion is transcended through this magnificent Venetian mirror. Famed for our elegant and beautiful style of glass use, our designers used their world-renowned talent and gorgeous glass to produce this blinding splendor.


The Most Expensive Mirror In the World


See also: Luxury Mirrors To Elevate Your Modern Home Design

Limited Edition Collection Boca do Lobo


The Most Expensive Mirror In the World

The Most Expensive Mirror In the World

It measures an impressive 214 cm (84 in.) of height, it’s 147 cm (58 in.) wide and it’s only available for those who can afford 20 000 €. What are your thoughts on the Venice mirror, please share your thoughts with us.

See Also: Intricate And Detailed Design – Discover Boca do Lobo’s Filigree Mirror

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See also: Modern Mirror Designs To Enhance Your Living Room

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